Monday, January 30, 2012

My First Stuff

Hello!  Here's my first stuff from my computer art class.

First up, my evil pancakes picture.

The only pancakes that think you look good enough to eat, even if the feeling isn't reciprocated.
I'm really pleased with the final piece.  I think that it looks good and was really successful overall.  The elements of my own design- the "bloody" syrup and the berries in its mouth- worked well, as did the blueberry eyes, and there really wasn't anything that didn't work about this picture.  If I could do the project over, I'd probably consider softening the edges around the blueberry eyes.  The most difficult part of completing this piece was deciding how much to distort the pancakes by to get a good-sized mouth.  I learned how to use the liquify tool from this piece.

Next is my frog tongue picture.

"You've got a little something on your....uh....never mind...."
I think this piece looks pretty good.  It was fairly successful, and many of the things I did worked.  I did have some occasional trouble with the clone stamp tool, though.  If I did the project over again, I would adjust the drop shadow more, soften the edge where the "tongue" touches the lips, and make it so that the part where the tongue gets slightly narrower didn't occur.  The most difficult part of this piece was going back and manually softening the edges of the frog so it seems more natural.  In doing this project, I learned how to use the clone stamp tool.

Finally, my clone project.

As you can see, this piece represents a man's inner conflict with himself....or maybe it was just fun to make.
This was a really fun piece to do.  I think it was pretty successful.  Most of my photos worked overall, but the guys in the background were behind the guys in the mid-ground, so I had to reposition them.  If I were to do this project over again, I would have more shots in there- that is, if I had more time than I was allowed to do so.  The most difficult part about completing this piece was making sure the shadows blended well, since I would often not erase enough from the picture or would mess up on it.  From this project, I learned how to erase parts of pictures so other ones showed through.

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