Friday, April 13, 2012

Blend Tool!

I've already finished a project and have it ready for a post!  Our task was to look up an Adobe Illustrator tutorial for beginners, follow it, and post the result.  My tutorial was on the Blend tool.  Here's the tutorial:

It doesn't explicitly give you a tutorial on what to do; rather, it teaches you of all the applications of the Blend tool.  I used these to create this City at Sunset!

I hope that's the Sun's path and not just multiple Suns.
I really like this picture.  It's really smooth, and the Blend tool worked quite well.  The most difficult part was trying to manage the Sun so it looked good.  If I re-did this, I'd try to manage the highlights on the buildings more.  This project taught me how to use the Blend tool, obviously.

I think the tutorial was pretty good.  It didn't exactly explain how to use each function explicitly, but the pictures helped figure out what function of the tool did what.  I think this tutorial would be good to use in the future.

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